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English Department

Master Major in English (90 ECTS): Linguistics Only

Disclaimer: The applicable legal regulations can be found in the framework ordinance (Rahmenverordnung) and the program regulation (Studienordnung) for the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. The information below is for illustrative purposes only and should be regarded as a recommendation. In case of any contradictions between this document and the legal regulations or between the German version and a translation, only the legal regulations or the German version, respectively, have legal bearing.


The requirements for the Master Major in English Literature and/or Linguistics (90 ECTS) are outlined in the corresponding section of the Studienordnung.

There are different ways in which one can fulfill these requirements. The following tables outline the recommended track "English Linguistics only." The other two recommended tracks are:

In addition, you may want to use our PDF checklist for the Master Major (Ling. only) (PDF, 227 KB) to double-check whether you have fulfilled all the program requirements, according to the suggested track "English Linguistics only."

Modules Intended for the Beginning of One's Studies

The modules in the following two categories should be taken early on, ideally in the first but no later than the second semester of one's Master studies in English Literature and/or Linguistics.

Methods and Theories (6 ECTS)

Methods and Theories in English Linguistics


Important Note:

  • Students can repeat this module only once.
  • If one fails this modules twice, one can continue one's studies by moving to the "Literature only" track.

Language Skills and Culture (6 ECTS)

Writing Skills for Research


Note: Students can repeat this module only once. If one fails one of this module twice, one can no longer complete the program.

Modules Intended for More Advanced Master Students

While students may take some of the modules below in their first semester, we strongly recommend that the modules listed above, under "Modules Intended for the Beginning of One's Studies," be prioritized.

Research-Oriented Specialization (27 ECTS)

Free choice from the following:

Research Seminar in English Linguistics*


Experiments with Speech (6 ECTS) + Supplement (3 ECTS)


Voice Analysis (6 ECTS) + Supplement*


Projects in English Linguistics*


* = titles and module codes change each semester

Note: If one completes more than 27 ECTS in this category, then the extra points will 'spill over' into the elective category. (Example: If one does two "Research Seminars in Literature" and one "Projects in English Linguistics" seminar, one receives 33 ECTS points. This means that one would have 6 extra ECTS that would 'spill over' into the elective category, i.e. one would have to do fewer points there.) 


Electives (21 ECTS)

free choice from the following Module Groups:

  • English Linguistics
  • Research-Oriented Specialization: English Linguistics
  • Language Skills and Culture
  • Other Curricular Modules
  • Transferable Skills

Master Thesis (30 ECTS)

You can find more information on the Master Thesis in the corresponding module description.

Note: Students may also take additional modules, beyond the required modules outlined above (i.e. the information above outlines the minimum requirements).

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