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English Department

Lehrdiplom für Maturitätsschulen: English as a Teaching Subject

Important: Please read all the information on this page and the various subsections carefully before contacting the Advisor of Studies. Also, note that the Lehrdiplom Rahmenverordnung and Studienordnung are the legally binding documents.

General Information

  • Students must have completed their Bachelor degree before starting their Lehrdiplom studies in English. Please consult the relevant subsection on  admission requirements for more information (as well as the information on the UZH website concerning the application process).
  • Lehrdiplom candidates must fulfill the stay abroad requirement before being allowed to book the module Fachdidaktik I. For details, please consult the stay abroad subsection.
  • Lehrdiplom candidates must also complete the Sprachkompetenzprüfung Englisch before being allowed to book the module Fachdidaktik II. For details, please consult the subsection on the Sprachkompetenzprüfung.
  • In order to be able to complete their Lehrdiplom studies, students must fulfill certain requirements in the field of English Studies. These are outlined in the section on completing the Lehrdiplom.

Further Information

  • For more information regarding the Lehrdiplom, please visit
  • The legally binding documents, the Rahmenverordnung and Studienordnung, can be found on the website of the UZH Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

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