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English Department

IT Coordination & Corpora

Central IT Services offer a great wealth of information and other resources for staff and students on their website.

Please consult for facilities provided by the Central IT Services, like VPN, EDUROAM, e-mail, ITIM passwords etc.

We are responsible for scientific computing and the IT infrastructure located at the English Department. Please contact us for requests specific to the English Department.

Consultation hours: Wednesday 10-12

Work schedule:
Roland: Mo, Tue, We, (Thu) -- IT Coordination
Hans Martin: (We), Thu, Fri -- Scientific Computing, Corpus Linguistics, IT Coordination


We can be reached via phone 43552, which is forwarded to one of us also when we are not at the office. Please send all e-mail concerning English Department IT matters to This address is read by all of us and ensures a timely response irrespective of our individual schedules.

Urgencies and emergencies:

Try to contact us via phone 43552 or at the office. If you can't reach us, please send a short description of your problem to We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Plannable requests:

Please pass by or call us during our Sprechstunde We 10-12. With a short e-mail in advance you will be much more likely to find us prepared for your problem.
