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English Department

Continuing Education: Overview

Courses at UZH

Each semester, the UZH Continuing Education team offers a broad range of courses for teachers at upper secondary schools.

The course program is available at, and each teacher can pick and choose the topic that is most useful and/or interesting for them.

The UZH English Department regularly contributes to the program organized by the Head of Continuing Education for Teachers at Upper Secondary Schools, Dr. Andreas Wittwen.

Workshops at Your School

In addition, schools can contact the UZH English Department if they would like to organize 'tailor-made' continuing education workshops for a group of teachers (or, alternatively, workshops for students).

The fees for workshops depend on the number of instructors involved. Courses usually cost CHF 1,200–2,000.- per day, plus expenses.

A list of the types of topics we are able to offer is included below. However, do let us know if you would be interested in a workshop topic that does not appear there.

Queries concerning continuing education workshops (including booking requests) can be directed to Dr. Olivia Tjon-A-Meeuw at

The topics listed below have been suggested by members and affiliates of the UZH English Department.

  1. English around the Globe: World Englishes for the Classroom
  2. Old and Middle English: Reading Medieval Manuscripts in the Classroom
  3. Ongoing Language Change: A Contemporary View on English
  4. Putting English on the Map: Language in Time and Space
  5. Shakespeare's English: Early Modern English in Context
  6. The English Language in the Asian Century: Challenging the Traditional Canon
  7. The UK Off the Beaten Track: Including Non-Mainstream Varieties in Teaching
  8. Towards a Richer Understanding of Intercultural Communication
  9. Using Corpus Linguistic Methods in the Advanced Learner Classroom
  10. Where, When, How, and Why Language Changes: English Over Time

The topics listed below have been suggested by members and affiliates of the UZH English Department.

  1. American Studies: A Critical View of the Ubiquity of American Culture & Politics
  2. Close Reading 2.0: Textual Analysis With Multimedia Tools
  3. Disease and Depression in English Literature
  4. Dystopian Novels in English & American Literature in the 20th and 21st Century
  5. Film and Adaptation: A Toolbox
  6. Holistic Media Literacy: The Potential of Video Games & New Media in Teaching
  7. Irish Literature: Historical Contexts and Teachable Texts
  8. Postcolonial Literature: From History and Theory to Classroom Activities
  9. Project America: Literature, Political Culture, Cinema
  10. Reading and Teaching Film Language
  11. Science and Fiction: Exploring Robots, Cyborgs, and Artificial Intelligence
  12. Shakespeare and His Adaptations on Screen
  13. Teaching Comics and Graphic Novels
  14. Videoessay, Podcast, Meme: New Forms of Media in Teaching Literature
  15. Zurich in Anglophone Literatures


Unterseiten von Continuing Education: Overview