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English Department

List of Courses

Below, you can find a list of modules offered by the English Department in the current semester.

Note that the list below contains modules from both the Bachelor and the Master programs. A searchable overview is available in the  UZH Course Catalog


Module Acronym Category Faculty ECTS
Introduction to English Linguistics 06SM440-010 Course, Seminar PHF 9
English Literature: Textual Analysis 06SM440-020 Course, Seminar PHF 9
Language Skills and Culture: Introduction 06SM440-030 Course, Exercise Group PHF 12
History of the English Language 2: Focus on Middle English 06SM440-110 Course, Seminar PHF 6
Focus on Language Structure 06SM440-120 Seminar PHF 6
Focus on Language Use 06SM440-121 Seminar PHF 6
Focus on Variation and Change 06SM440-123 Seminar PHF 6
Focus on Language and the Mind 06SM440-124 Seminar PHF 6
Literature in Context: History and Theory 06SM440-200 Course, Examination PHF 6
Literary Histories: Renaissance and Early Modern Period 06SM440-220 Seminar PHF 6
Literary Histories: The Long Nineteenth Century 06SM440-221 Seminar PHF 6
Literary Histories: The Long Twentieth Century 06SM440-222 Seminar PHF 6
Literary Histories: Cultural Contexts 06SM440-223 Seminar PHF 6
Literary Histories: Genres and Themes in Literature and Culture 06SM440-224 Seminar PHF 6
Literary and Cultural Analysis: Introduction to Theory 06SM440-225 Seminar PHF 6
Literary and Cultural Analysis: Texts and Their Afterlives 06SM440-226 Seminar PHF 6
Literary and Cultural Analysis: Intermediality 06SM440-227 Seminar PHF 6
Literary and Cultural Analysis: (Post-)Colonial Perspectives 06SM440-228 Seminar PHF 6
Literary and Cultural Analysis: Identities 06SM440-229 Seminar PHF 6
Writing Skills and Media Analysis 06SM440-300 Exercise Group PHF 6
Guided Reading in Literary Studies 06SM440-400 Independent Study PHF 3
Stay Abroad Portfolio 06SM440-410 Independent Study PHF 3
Methods and Theories in English Linguistics 06SM440-500 Seminar PHF 6
Reading Literary and Critical Theory 06SM440-550 Seminar PHF 6
Voice Analysis (Supplement: Research Paper) 06SM440-621 Independent Study PHF 3

Weiterführende Informationen

Career Brochure: Alumni Portraits

Career Brochure: Alumni Portraits

prepared by the Fachverein Anglistik (FAVA), and available for download here.

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