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English Department

The US-American author SIGRID NUNEZ in the Kaufleuten - Moderation Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Bronfen

Sigrid Nunez's novel "The Friend (2018)" won her the National Book Award, the most prestigious literary award in the United States alongside the Pulitzer Prize, and it is currently on the New York Times bestseller list.


She has written a book about a woman mourning for her boyfriend and a huge dog. Along with her bestsellers, “The Friend” is one of her greatest successes: she is rightly considered a titan of contemporary American literature.

The event will be held in English. Ariela Sarbacher will read the German passages.

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Start: 20:00 - End: about 22:00

Kaufleuten Festsaal, Pelikanplatz, 8001 Zürich


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Sigrid Nunez in the Kaufleuten

Sigrid Nunez in the Kaufleuten