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English Department

Book Presentation "Ida Lupino: Die zwei Seiten der Kamera"

The PhD Program in English and American Literary Studies and the Zentrum Künste und Kulturtheorie (ZKK) cordially invite students, members of staff, and the general public to the presentation of the book Ida Lupino: Die zwei Seiten der Kamera, ed. by Elisabeth Bronfen, Ivo Ritzer and Hannah Schoch (Bertz+Fischer, 2018).

The book launch will take place at Cabaret Voltaire (Spielgegasse 1) on March 26, 2018, at 7 p.m.


  • round table discussion with Elisabeth Bronfen, Johannes Binotto, Fabienne Liptay and Hannah Schoch
  • screening of No 5 Checked Out (dir. Ida Lupino, 1956, 30 min)
  • drinks reception and book sale


Weiterführende Informationen

Poster for Book Launch Lupino