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English Department

Guest Lecture Hanspeter Kuenzler (London/Zurich)

Students, members of staff, and the general public are cordially invited to a guest lecture by Hanspeter Kuenzler, entitled "Punks, Punjabis and Rastas: A New Culture Emerges."

Hanspeter Kuenzler is a London-based Swiss freelance journalist specialising in music, arts and football. He contributes regularly to the NZZ, the NZZamSonntag, the Nordwestschweiz, the St. Galler Tagblatt, amongst numerous others. He has interviewed some of the world’s biggest stars and — rarely the same — some of the most interesting artists around and has written two books on Michael Jackson and one on The Rolling Stones.

As part of Thomas Keller’s seminar on Punks, Kuenzler will give talk on the multicultural aspects of British punk rock and punk culture.

Time: Tue, November 21, 2017, 12.15

Venue: KOL-G-221, UZH Main Building
