Ronja Zimmermann, M.A.
- Teaching and Research Assistant in English Linguistics
- Assistant Prof. Dr. Daniel Schreier
- Room number
- PET 203
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Language attitudes
World Englishes
Language and identity
Language variation and change
Ronja Zimmermann is a teaching and research assistant at the chair of Prof. Dr. Daniel Schreier, Professor of English Linguistics. She obtained her M.A. degree in English and German Literature and Linguistics at the University of Zurich and spent a year as a Graduate Employee at the University of Oregon. Before starting her assistantship, she worked as a student assistant for the VARIAGE project (English Seminar), the IntAkt project (German Seminar), and the Drüber Reden project (Psychology Institute) at the University of Zurich.
She is working on her PhD as part of the Language Attitudes in the Swiss Anglophone Diaspora project (LASAD), which is currently investigating language attitudes of South Africans living in Switzerland. Her interest lies in attitudes towards English, language and identity, multilingualism, language use, Swiss national languages, and more. Additionally, she aims to analyse how language attitudes are affected by an additional multilingual (migrant) experience and to look into persistence vs. change of ancestral attitudes in an expatriate community.
In the academic year 24/25, I am teaching the mandatory module ‘Introduction to Linguistics’.
I am available as a supervisor at BA level, especially concerning Bachelor theses in sociolinguistics with a focus on language attitudes and/or World Englishes.