Nicole Koenigsknecht, M.A.
- Teaching and Research Assistant in English Literature
- Assistant Prof. Dr. Katharina Gerund
- Room number
- PET 107
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Indigenous literatures and cultures
Settler-colonialism; anti-/decolonial theories
Environmental humanities
Food sovereignty; food imperialism
Christian nationalism
Nicole is a teaching and research assistant to the Chair of American Literature and Culture—Prof. Dr. Katharina Gerund. Her doctoral dissertation, tentatively titled “Unsettling Colonial Appetites: Resisting Settler Sentimentality and Contesting Consumption in Contemporary Indigenous Literatures,” examines how Indigenous (primarily Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee) literary works undermine an emotional affiliation, fostered through hegemonic Canadian and U.S. settler narratives, with expansionist colonizing projects on Turtle Island. After completing her BA in English and German at Michigan State University, Nicole moved to Austria to work as a Fulbright U.S. Teaching Assistant for the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research.
In July 2024 she received an MA in Anglophone Literatures and Cultures from the University of Vienna. Her MA thesis, titled “Nurturing Resistance: Food Sovereignty in Jonny Appleseed and The Seed Keeper,” was supervised by Prof. Dr. Stefanie Schäfer. Nicole is an active member of the Emerging Scholars Forum of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries (GKS).
Publications: “‘Momma always said that woman was the epitome of resource’: Contesting Canada’s Colonial-Capitalist Food Systems in Jonny Appleseed.” In: Canada: A Model for Gender Equality?, edited by Gabriela Kwiatek et al., Księgarnia Akademicka Publishing, 2024, pp. 189–200. books.akademicka.pl, https://doi.org/10.12797/9788383681696.14
Review of Sarah Hernandez. We Are the Stars: Colonizing and Decolonizing the Oceti Sakowin Literary Tradition, Regina: University of Regina Press, 2023, pp.256. In: Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien 45, 2025. |
Conference Organization: Territory, Tension, and Taboo: Canada in Crisis. 21st Conference of the Emerging Scholars Forum of the GKS – University of Bremen, 10-11 Oct. 2024. |
Conference Papers: “Combating Colonial (Literary) Consumption in And Then She Fell and Noopiming: The Cure for White Ladies.” At The North: Changes, Challenges, Opportunities. 46th Annual Conference of the GKS – Berlin, Germany, 1 Mar. 2025.
“Demystifying Anishinaabe Presence in Mackinac’s Museums.” At Education, the Arts, and American Studies. 51st Annual Conference of the Austrian Association for American Studies – University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg, Austria, 19 Oct. 2024.
“Serving Bodily Autonomy: Food Sovereignty in Jonny Appleseed” At Canadian Anthropocene(s): Pathways to Sustainable Futures. 21st Biennial Conference of the Association of Canadian Studies in Ireland (ACSI) – Queen’s University Belfast, 10 May 2024.
“Seeding (food) sovereignty: Indigenous resurgence in Jonny Appleseed.” At Indigenous Futurisms: Workshop with Chelsea Vowel – University of Vienna, 19 Feb. 2024.
“Nurturing Resistance: Food Sovereignty in Jonny Appleseed and The Seed Keeper.” At Contested Canada: Navigating Past, Present and Future Sovereignties. 20th Conference of the Emerging Scholars Forum of the GKS – John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin, 30 Jun. 2023. |