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I am working at the English Department as a teaching and research assistant to Prof. Dr. Olga Timofeeva. My interest lies in Anglo-Norse contact in Medieval England and the influence of Old Norse on English vocabulary. In addition to this area, I am also interested in English etymology, lexical change and variation.
For my cumulative PhD project, I have been studying dialectal variation and scribal choice in the nine extant manuscripts of the 14th century Middle English poem Siege of Jerusalem, supervised by Prof. Dr. Olga Timofeeva (University of Zürich) and Dr. Sara Pons-Sanz (Cardiff University). My second article explores Norse-derived vocabulary in the 13th century Middle English romance Havelok the Dane.
I am an active member of SELIM (Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature).
Most recent academic conferences:
Chaired sessions:
I teach the mandatory modules “History of the English Language 1: Focus on Old English” and “History of the English Language 2: Focus on Middle English.”
I am happy to supervise BA theses in any of the areas listed under “Research Interests.”