Bethany Dallas, M.A.
- Teaching and Research Assistant in English Linguistics
- Assistant Prof. Dr. Marianne Hundt
- Room number
- PLH 03
Navigation auf uzh.ch
World Englishes
Constructional Variation and Change
Second Language Acquisition
Natural Language Processing/Machine Learning
I am a PhD student at the English Seminar and research assistant at the chair of Prof. Marianne Hundt. I enrolled at the UZH in 2018 and completed my BA and MA degrees here, majoring in English Literature and Linguistics and minoring in Latin Philology. I have conducted research on English as a foreign language in South Korea and Switzerland, focussing on language perceptions and use. In my MA thesis, I analysed Swiss high school students’ use and perception of the present perfect.
In my PhD thesis, I aim to continue my work on the present perfect by examining the expression of perfect meaning on a large scale in various World Englishes and datasets. I hope to present an overview of the various constructions which are used for this purpose in different contexts.
“Introduction to English Linguistics” (AS24/SS25)