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English Department

Annika Rossmanith

Annika Rossmanith, M.A.

  • Teaching and Research Assistant to Prof. Dr. Simone E. Pfenninger
+41 44 63 43555
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Research Interests

  • Second Language Acquisition 

  • Psycholinguistics 

  • Multilingualism 


Short Bio

Annika Rossmanith is a teaching and research assistant in English Linguistics. She holds a BA in European Studies, with a major in English and a minor in Sociology, from the University of Passau, Germany. She obtained her MA degree from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, in Applied Linguistics: Multilingualism. She wrote her MA thesis on Language Attitudes of Russian Heritage Speakers in Toronto, Canada: A Corpus-Informed Discourse Study. During her studies, she spent one semester abroad at Bangor University, Wales and completed a research internship at the University of Toronto, Canada. 

Annika is currently doing her PhD on L2 development influenced by socio-affective factors across retirement, which is part of the VARIAGE project, led by Prof. Dr. Simone Pfenninger.

Recent Activities

Annika’s PhD is situated in the VARIAGE project which aims to study educational and occupational transitions across the lifespan, the retirement transition specifically, with an emphasis on dis/continuity patterns in L2 learning, cognitive functioning, and socio-affective factors. 

She is also member of the BALAB, the Bilingualism and Aging Lab at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, a research group that meets regularly and brings together researchers that study bilingualism through the lifespan, with a focus on third age bilingual language use and development. 

Annika has presented her work, amongst others, at the Evidence-based foreign language learning – Multilingualism in education (EBFL) conference, the TABU Dag, the European Association for Second Language Acquisition (EuroSLA) conference, and the Psychology of Language Learning (PLL) conference. 


“Introduction to English Linguistics” 2022/2023
“Introduction to English Linguistics” 2023/2024
“Multilingualism & Education” AS 2024
“Introduction to English Linguistics” 2024/2025



  • BA Thesis, “Language attitudes of high school students towards English varieties in the Swiss canton of Aargau” (Alessandra Martinez; SS2023) 

  • BA Thesis, “Code-Switching in Social Media Advertising: The Use of Code-Switching to English in Captions of German Influencers on Instagram” (Loretta Huber; AS2023) 

  • BA Thesis, “Attitudes of Swiss University Students towards English as a Medium of Instruction” (Ana Sofia Almeida Teixeira; AS2024)