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Lecture course at the Pädagische Hochschule Zürich: "English, American and International English Literatures: A Survey" (1 semester)
Lecture course at the ZHAW (Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften, Winterthur): "Marlowe to Metafiction: The History of Literature in English" (1 semester)
Interview with Le Tempson the purged NewSouth books edition of Twain's Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn
Since December 2010
25-26 November 2010: Conference in Porto, Portugal. Keynote speaker: "The Visual Aspect of Modernist Poetry"
Organising committee (with Martin Mühlheim and Agnieszka Soltysik-Monnet) of Terry Eagleton's guest lecture "On Tragedy"
18-19 November 2010: SATE Weiterbildung in Propstei Wislikofen (reader)
11 September 2011: Preview Pro Hombrechtikon of Prof. Dr. Martin Heusser's very own photographic pop art
8-9 September 2010: Studieninformationstage Universität Zürich: Lecture on "Lost in the Funhouse:" Analyzing Postmodernism from John Barth to Homer Simpson"
Spring semester 2010: supervising Ana Luketic's internship at the English Seminar
Spring semester 2010: committee president of the committee "Umhabilitierung Zeuch"
January 2010: Second dissertation examiner (Institut für Populäre Kulturen, Universität Zürich)
January 2010: Second dissertation examiner (Jacobs University Bremen, Germany)