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English Department

DocNetCH kick-off meeting

Nastacia Schmoll, Teaching and Research Assistant at our English Department, and Tammy Imboden, Research Assistant at the English Department of the University of Basel, are initiating a new Swiss-wide network for PhD students in literary studies to provide a place for PhD students to exchange ideas, develop a broader support system, and meet peers with similar projects and interests outside of their own universities. One method of doing this is to carry out biannual meetings centering on theory with a rotating organizing team at a different university each semester.

As part of this, they are hosting their kick-off event at University of Zurich on April 4th, 2025. The meeting focuses on the topic of actor-network theory (ANT) and includes a workshop and guest lecture titled "ANT and Narrative Theory, or Questions about Causality" by Professor Caroline Levine from Cornell University. The workshop is specifically meant for PhD students, but the guest lecture, which will be at 14:00, is over Zoom and open to the rest of the English Department as well.

If you would like to attend the lecture, regardless of whether you are a PhD student or not, please email Nastacia Schmoll and she will send you the information as the day approaches.

You will find the flyer of the event here (PDF, 4 MB).
