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Welcome to the University of Zuerich


  • Tailor-Made Cells

    In a few years, we’re likely to see personalized stem cells being used in the first clinical trials for heart patients. But there are still a few hurdles to overcome on the way to the clinic.

    Read more More about Read more
Paradeplatz Zürich

URPP Highlights

Financial Market Regulation, Translational Cancer Research, Healthy Aging: UZH’s University Research Priority Programs tackle pressing societal problems. Read about some of the highlights from the eight concluding programs.
UZH Students

Shaping the Future

Seven faculties, over 150 departments and more than 200 study programs: benefit from the interdisciplinary and pioneering spirit of Switzerland’s largest university.
Instructor in the lecture hall

Education at the Cutting-Edge

The teaching at UZH is varied, dynamic and high quality, designed to meet the needs of a rapidly changing society with innovation and creativity.
Researcher in the lab

Research Excellence

Imagination, daring, patience and determination are vital to shed light on scientific unknowns and make breakthrough discoveries. For this, freedom and space to reflect and question are required.
Students at the main entrance of the University of Zurich

Exhilarating Variety

UZH encompasses a huge breadth of differing but mutually stimulating perspectives, ways of thinking and academic milieus. Our knowledge and findings are made to be shared: let yourself be inspired.
People visiting UZH

Current Events

Lectures, guided tours, panel discussions – find out what our researchers are working on in our public events.


Plantage in der Negev-Wüste in Israel

Precious Biodiversity

The latest UZH Magazin explores the links between climate change and biodiversity and how nature’s ingenuity could help us adapt to the changing environment.
Students interviewing Menpong Mro, head of Empu Para village

Re-Contextualising an Ethnographic Collection

Preliminary findings, challenges and reflections of a collaborative research project between Social Anthropology students and indigenous students from Bangladesh. Special exhibition until 28 July.
Smartphone mit UZH Weekly

UZH Weekly

In our Friday newsletter UZH Weekly we send you a round-up of the best university stories of the week, as well as a selection of upcoming events and links to media coverage featuring UZH experts.


  • Today
    14:00 Uhr
    Dein Abenteuer als Museumsführer:in
  • Sat, 6.7.
    11:00 Uhr
    Sitzen, Sticken, Schwatzen
  • Sun, 7.7.
    11:30 Uhr
    Sonntagsführung: Entdecke das Verstecken – die Tarn-Tricks der Tiere
  • Sun, 7.7.
    14:00 Uhr
    Familien-Workshops: Dinosaurier – damals und heute, lange Hälse
  • Sun, 7.7.
    15:00 Uhr
    Familien-Workshops: Dinosaurier – damals und heute, lange Hälse
  • Thu, 11.7.
    18:30 Uhr
    Conversation with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor
  • Sun, 14.7.
    11:30 Uhr
    Sonntagsführung: Santiago Roths Schätze: Riesen aus Südamerika
Two women with a globe

Planning to Join Us from Abroad?

The University of Zurich is home to students and staff from over 120 countries. Find out more about our diverse and inspiring learning, research and working environment.
UZH Tower

UZH Condemns Events in the Middle East Conflict

We observe the developments in the Middle East with great concern and call on all parties involved to respect international humanitarian law, particularly the duty to protect civilians.
Ukrainian Flag over the University of Zurich

Solidarity with Ukraine

Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine lasts on. UZH continues to support refugees, people affected, and UZH members.